Play an mp3 on a BeagleBone Black Board

Playing an mp3 on a BeagleBone Black Board is easy with a USB audio adapter. The software to play an MP3 (mplayer) is included in the standard Angstrom release.

I plugged in a Logitech A-5572A USB audio adapter and it was detected automatically on boot.

To view audio devices, run aplay -L from the command line. It should look something like this:

# aplay -L
    Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)
    TI BeagleBone Black, 
    Default Audio Device
    TI BeagleBone Black, 
    Default Audio Device
    Logitech USB Headset, USB Audio
    Default Audio Device
    Logitech USB Headset, USB Audio
    Default Audio Device

I'm using a small amplified speaker for testing, but you could just as easily use a standard headset plugged into the 1/8 inch jack of the Logitech.

To test the speaker without an audio file, you can run speaker-test -D default:Headset from the command line. Be sure to replace the value after -D with a device from the output of your own aplay results. When running this command, you should hear white noise. Here is my output:

Notice the format. The aplay result is default:CARD=Headset but we are reformatting it to default:Headset.
# speaker-test -D default:Headset

If you hear sound, you're doing great. I have an mp3 in my current directory named r2_1.mp3. Use mplayer to play the mp3.

Notice the format. The aplay result is default:CARD=Headset but we are setting the -ao argument to alsa:device=default=Headset.
# mplayer -ao alsa:device=default=Headset r2_1.mp3

If you don't hear a sound, but you heard sound with the speaker test, take another look at the format of the -ao value.

I found the information here in this Google Groups thread.